Claire joined the company back in 2006, part time, alongside her final year of university studies in Computing for Business. After graduating she joined Torton as the IT co-ordinator working in the accounts department with a focus to source, test and implement a new software system alongside her daily role. This is now up and running and controls the company stock control, projects and accounts systems which integrate to give up to date management information and project overviews.
In addition to her accounts and IT role, in 2010 Claire became Company Secretary and works with James to run the Torton hire fleet. She has became more involved with both fleet hire contracts and transport management operations within the company. Claire ensures that both company and customer vehicles and trailers have their routine maintenance inspections and MOT's in order to keep everything on the road throughout the year with minimal disruption.
A few favourites...
- Favourite Film - Love Actually
- Favourite Holiday Destination - Safari
- Favourite Pizza topping - Pepperoni
- Favourite Drink - Cosmopolitan cocktail